sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2021


Hi everyone! Well, as I said in my previous posts I'm study Natural Renowable Recourses Engineering. Although I really love my career, I can´t deny that the study programme have a lot failing. By first, some subjects, like "Computer programming", needs to be in the first semester because there you can learn to use some basic tools of programs we use in the whole career like Word, Excel and Power Point; even you learn how to cite. Regarding the curriculum, there are subjects wich don't have connection with the rest, and maybe you lose the sense of studying them, like "Calculus" (we have four subjects about that) or "Physical", so I suggest to focus them on our working area. About the faculty facilities, a bad thing that I didn't like when I went to presential classes was the little computer classrooms, because we didn't fit in there. When I studied "GIS and Cartography", some classmates had to take their own computers because the computers in the rooms weren't enought and that was a problem. So the faculty could invest in more (and better) computers or have a better organization for class sections. Another important thing that the faculty needs to improve is its accesibility, because the classrooms entrance aren't inclusive. We only have stairs, but we would must to have ramps. Finally, about the length studies, I think five years is ok, but, the problem is the last year is sooo hard (we really have a heavy workload) especially if you want to make you memory title at time. That's the reason of so many people ends taking an extra semester, even a complete year, so maybe we need a better balanced curriculum. Well, there are sooo many things that I could say about this topic, but a positive thing is the study programme has changed at this year, so many of point that I mentioned before have been changed in the new one! I hope this changes could improve the develop of this beautiful career and make better "recurseres"<3

1 comentario:

  1. I totally agree with you!!! when we take SIG some of the computers collapsed. About calculus and this kind of subject I think the same, they teach us the basic topics, but not focus on our career...

    Well, we are on the final semestrer so, there's no much to say haha only cry
