martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021


Everyone have thought at least once to time travel, to the future or the past. I think traveling to the past could be dangerous, because anything you change could change all the present where you from, even your own existence (chan chan chaaaan). When I was a kid I read a tale named "A sound of thunder" by Ray Bradbury (maybe some of you have read it in school), and there, the people in future travels to the past to hunt dinasours, but you can only do in an specifical way and moment, and the thing is that a man make something wrong, like smash a buterfly and aaaall the future change for that little thing (spoiler, I'm sorry). So, I could make a time travel, I choose to travel to the future, and then, I could see what future we reach, and see what will happens in a 20, 30 or even in a 100 years. ¿What will happens with the climate change? ¿How much the Earth will have change?, and the way that we live? (if we still existing in a 100 years). Maybe my best friend Fernanda would go with me, because she is one of my best adventure partenrs, and there we explore all the posible places to investigate that future. I don't think that we would stay there, altough I thnik about it if is a good future with flying cars and tecnological things like that (like in the futurist movies), but, if is a bad future (in a post-apocaliptic way), maybe I would like to come back to the present to do something to change that bad future or enjoy my current present. If you could travel in time, would you like to travel to the future or the past?

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