jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021


Could to take English was an Odsyssey. It was really hard to take the subject because its schedule always overlapped some obligatory subject. Just in my FOURTH year I could take English 3, in another faculty!! (taking advantage of online classes). There we had to write in our blogs every week too, but we used the class time and the teacher gave us a feedback at the moment. In English 4, the level it was higher than previous one, but that helped me to making an effor and learning more. For example, with the blog, we not only practice our writting about a topic, but also we had to comment our class mates's blogs and with that we could practice reading and give our opinion for that. Other thing I liked for English 4 it was all classes we had to talk each other, practicing listening and have a casual conversation about interesting things. Although I could practice that, I need to practice much more cause I still get nervous when I'm talking and I tend to have gramatical mistakes or bloking the words, and then I try to replace the word in spanish so I end speaking a kind of "spanglish". My dad told me that exist some plataforms you could join to speak with native people to practice, so I could try that because in my near environment I don't have persons who talk in English. Sometimes, I try to make sentences in my head, but it's not the same to have a fluid conversation with someone. Also, I always watch series in the original language (the most in English) to listen the casual way to talk, and a good exercise I apply too it's try to watch animated series in English without subtitles (I like Adventure Time or Steven Universe), because they use a casual speaking and the caracters module very well so it's easy to undersand what they are saying. Well, I love languages so really want to improve my English (especially my speaking), and I hope to learning more and more, and maybe next year, take another advance English course to help me to use tecnical language applied in the career, not only a casual way. 

This is our last blog so I hope we all had learned a lot and I wish you a super duper end of semester<3 I'M SORRY FOR SO MUCH TEXT AAA

2 comentarios:

  1. Oh yes, it was horrible the process to finally have the English's course, but we did it, wiii.

    I agree with your dad, there are many apps to talk in English, you should try it.

    See you <3

  2. I still think I will take another English course later on. It is very necessary for our career to speak fluently or at least understand technical language. See you!
