domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021


Hi everyone! Well, as you probably know and like some of you, I have taken a major in Natural Renowable Recourses Engineering, and I'm in my final semester! Altought, I going to egress soon, I don't know in what I want to work already (help), but what I know is that I want to contribute in proyects related to natural conservation, with investigation or helping people (children more than anything) to learn about the nature, because you only can protect what you know. Sometimes I think that I choose the wrong career because, at these days I have thinking that I would had like to study something related to teaching, but, if I hadn't study "recursos", I wouldn't know all the things I currently know about biodiversity, and probably I wouln't have my perception at present. In any case, I hope that my future job could be outdoors, because, but surely I will have to stay in a office sometimes. In some foundations and organizations, you can do the kind of job that I thinking, so I guess that I have to work in a place like that. Besides, I really want to travel through Chile and around the word to learn about other cultures and their perception of nature and ways to conservation... Even, my title memory is about something like that! I love this career because is so open! You can learn about everything. I learnt about botanic, flora and fauna, hydric recourses, economy, legislation, social enviromental-conflicts, etc. What field do you like?

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021


When I was a child, in every gift event (like Christmas, Kid's day, my birthday, etc) I always ask for a book because I really enjoyed literature. As I grew, my pleasures was changing and then it starts to like to me theater... and sometimes I went to see some plays with my parents. Currently, I still liking to read some books but I what I like the most is grafic novels or comics. I enjoy watching the expressions that characters can make and the story which the artist can create. Maybe is a mix of the forms of art I used to like jajaja. I'd like have abilities to make that things and draw nature elements or cute characters, but I don't have it right now. Maybe if I practice I could make something , but I don't know... I have to try. By now, I enjoy seeing works for other artists that I follow on Instagram like @pluklin or @fishballishere, who make short funny stories and one my favorites is @biby_24k, she is my friend who like drawing and she does it so well. Righ now I don't have a favourite work of art but I share to you a short comic that @fishballishere made that I think is little funny:


jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2021


Everytime I eat watermelon (sugar), an image that a little Dany all covered on watermelon seeds comes to me. I remember that in summer, my grandma “Mané” always gave my cousins and me watermelon after lunch. My parents used to (and yet) work hardly all day, so I had to stay in Mané’s house with my cousins who lived with her, until they back home, thats why all my best memories were there. One of my favorites is when we made a club named “club de tesoros” (“treasures club”), made a time capsule and we buried it at the backyard (it still be there?). Holydays was when we could play more, but in school time we always could play after classes. I remember that I liked creat games or made videos (of low quality), and made my cousins play it with me. Also, sometimes we went to the park to play football or tag, or rode bike in the street where the house was. When we could’t go outside, we biked into the hallway of Mané’s house (she lived in a big old house). We had a lot of fun at there times. To resume, the only thing I can say is it was the happiest childhood I could have had, and wich made me the person who I currently am.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021


At these days, there are so many plataforms and apps to listening to music. However, nothing compares to listening to live music. I've been in three concerts in my life, but the best of all (by far) was a Bruno Mars concert in Movistar Arena in 2017. It was so exciting because Bruno Mars is a very famous artist and even he was on a SuperBowl show. He started singing pop music but now is more like funk, I think (I don't know about music gender). I went with one of my bests friends, Camila, who liked BM too, and she took a lot of photos with her camera. All the people was so excited (including us), luckily it was a space between the stage and the crowd, if not, surely the people would have climbed the stage (I would have did that). The show was to perfect, because Bruno Mars can sing and dance at time, so well. His voice sounds exactly in live and when you listen it in some music app, and the way he conect with his choir team (who dance too) it was awesome. I felt so happy listening to him that I cried😂 (too sensitive, I'm sorry). My friend only laughed to me. When all over, we bought a lot of merch that we never used it again. Have you bought some merch in a concert only for the memory?