domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021


Hi everyone! Well, as you probably know and like some of you, I have taken a major in Natural Renowable Recourses Engineering, and I'm in my final semester! Altought, I going to egress soon, I don't know in what I want to work already (help), but what I know is that I want to contribute in proyects related to natural conservation, with investigation or helping people (children more than anything) to learn about the nature, because you only can protect what you know. Sometimes I think that I choose the wrong career because, at these days I have thinking that I would had like to study something related to teaching, but, if I hadn't study "recursos", I wouldn't know all the things I currently know about biodiversity, and probably I wouln't have my perception at present. In any case, I hope that my future job could be outdoors, because, but surely I will have to stay in a office sometimes. In some foundations and organizations, you can do the kind of job that I thinking, so I guess that I have to work in a place like that. Besides, I really want to travel through Chile and around the word to learn about other cultures and their perception of nature and ways to conservation... Even, my title memory is about something like that! I love this career because is so open! You can learn about everything. I learnt about botanic, flora and fauna, hydric recourses, economy, legislation, social enviromental-conflicts, etc. What field do you like?

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Daniela! I really loved your idea of traveling to know how the different cultures of the country manage nature conservation, I hope you can find a dream job one you got out of the university, you should probably do a course about teaching if you are into that :)
